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Basic functionalities of display on signature pad are:
Basic functionalities of display on signature pad are:
* Show the advertising slide images on signature pad one after another according to de slide delay predefined in Mcompany( in our example, for company FoodMart, the slide delay is defined as 2000, which means 2 seconds).
* Show the advertising slide images on signature pad one after another according to de slide delay predefined in Company( in our example, for company FoodMart, the slide delay is defined as 2000, which means 2 seconds).
* When the customer signature is required, the display image on the signature pad will switch to the signing image, additional 3 buttons will be shown under the signing image: done, cancle and delete.(these labels could be translated with I18n)
* When the customer signature is required, the display image on the signature pad will switch to the signing image, additional 3 buttons will be shown under the signing image: done, cancle and delete.(these labels could be translated with I18n)
==== Functionalities after signing ===
==== Functionalities after signing ====
The following image is the signing image in our example.
The following image is the signing image in our example.
* Customer signs, and then select “'''done'''”, the signature of customer will be saved as a blob-mapping data, saving as thousands of points with x,y, pressure... the display of signature pad switch to the advertising slide images.
* Customer signs, and then select “'''done'''”, the signature of customer will be saved as a blob-mapping data, saving as thousands of points with x,y, pressure... the display of signature pad switch to the advertising slide images.
* Customer signs, and then select “'''cancle'''”, the signature process will be broken, switch to the advertising slide images.
* Customer signs, and then select “'''cancle'''”, the signature process will be broken, switch to the advertising slide images.
* Customer signs, and then select “'''clear'''”, the signature will be deleted, and waiting for the next action of customer.
* Customer signs, and then select “'''clear'''”, the signature will be deleted, and waiting for the next action of customer.
=== Technical changes in DSL model ===
=== Technical changes in DSL model ===
==== new entity ====
==== changes in entity ====
# new entity '''AdvertisingSlide''' :
# New '''entity''' '''AdvertisingSlide''' :
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
entity AdvertisingSlide extends BaseUUID {
entity AdvertisingSlide extends BaseUUID {
Line 31: Line 30:
var Date showUntil properties(key="Date" value="Minute")
var Date showUntil properties(key="Date" value="Minute")
var BlobMapping image
var BlobMapping image
ref Mcompany company opposite slides
ref Company company opposite slides
Line 38: Line 37:
#* '''Image''': save this slide as a blobmapping data.
#* '''Image''': save this slide as a blobmapping data.
#* '''Company''': which company using this slide.
#* '''Company''': which company using this slide.
# new properties and references in entity Mcompany:
# New properties and references in '''entity''' '''Company''':
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
entity Mcompany extends BaseUUID {  
entity Company extends BaseUUID {  
. . .
. . .
var BlobMapping signingImage
var BlobMapping signingImage
Line 48: Line 47:
#* '''signingImage''': save the signing image as a blobmapping data. signingImage is the image which will be displayed on signature pad when customer signes.
#* '''slideDelay''': define the time delay for changing advertising slide image, unit is ms, and this value should be between 1000 and 10000, which means the delay should be between 1 second and 10 seconds.
#* '''Slides''': define a set of advertisingSlides for this company. These advertising slide images will be displayed one after another on the signature pad when no actions on it.
# A new '''Cash Payment Method''' "'''signaturePad'''": If the customer selects this payment way, the signature pad will be active.
# New '''entity''' '''CashPaymentPenData''' :
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
entity CashPaymentPenData extends BaseUUID {
persistenceUnit "businessdata"
var int rdy
var int sw
var int pressure
var int x
var int y
ref CashPayment payment opposite penData
#* The signature image will be saved as a '''CashPaymentPenData'''. All this relevant data value is generated from WACOM(mark of signature pad) software. The important values are pressure amount and cursor coordinates x and y. They will be saved save as a blob-mapping data, which including thousands of points with all the important values.
# Some new properties and references are defined in '''entity''' '''CashPayment''':
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
entity CashPayment extends BaseUUID {
. . .
var BlobMapping signatureBitmap
ref cascade CashPaymentPenData[*] penData opposite payment
==== changes in statemachine ====
# New '''payment method''' "'''payment signing'''"
#: It is defined as a new '''statemachine event''' "'''onMethod7'''".
#: A new '''peripheral''' is defined in statemachine for it:
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
peripheral PeripheralControl {
. . .
signaturePad SignaturePad
#: A new '''button''' is defined for it in '''paypad''' of statemachine:
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
keypad PaymentPad event trigger {
. . .
button method7 image "" event onMethod7
# New '''keypad''' "'''PluPad'''"
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
keypad PluPad event identity from 1 until 6  named "plu"
# Changes in statemachine '''state''' "'''IDLE'''":
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
trigger onStartUp
actions transition LOCKED{
. . .
closeSignaturePad @SignaturePad
. . .
# Changes in statemachine '''state''' "'''LOCKED'''":
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
trigger onOk
actions transition ATTENTIVE{
. . .
operation loadPLU()
operation loadPaymentMethods()
store "false" with paymentterminal.open
paymentOpen host dto cashregister.payment_ip port dto cashregister.payment_port @VeriFone
labelSignaturePad okLabel "done" clearLabel "clear" cancelLabel "cancel" @SignaturePad
store "false" with signaturepad.open
openSignaturePad @SignaturePad
. . .
# Changes in statemachine '''state''' "'''ATTENTIVE'''", new '''trigger''' "'''onSignaturePadOpen'''" for signaturePad:
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
trigger onSignaturePadOpen
actions {
store "true" with signaturepad.open
operation initImages()
idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
# Changes in statemachine '''state''' "'''PAYMENT'''":
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
trigger onBack
actions transition ATTENTIVE {
idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
. . .
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
trigger onMethod1 onMethod2 onMethod3 onMethod4 onMethod5 onMethod6 onMethod7
actions {
. . .
transition SIGNATURE_AUTHORIZATION guard useSignaturePad {
visible signaturePadDisplay
invisible money
invisible method
invisible functions
store event with paymentMethod.last
captureSignaturePad @SignaturePad
idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
. . .
# In statemachine new '''state''' "'''SIGNATURE_AUTHORIZATION'''":
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
triggers {
trigger onSignatureOk
actions transition PAYMENT {
idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
operation dopayment(retrieve from paymentMethod.last)
operation computePayed()
set "0" @paymentGiven
clearDevice LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt translate "total" row 0 column 0 @LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt translate "remain" row 0 column 10 @LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentTotal() row 1 column 0 @LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentRemain() row 1 column 10 @LineDisplay
invisible paymentTerminalDisplay
invisible signaturePadDisplay
visible money
visible method
visible functions
operation givenChanged()
transition PRINT_SLIP guard isPayed {
invisible total
invisible logout
invisible PaymentPad
invisible paymentFields
invisible functions
invisible numbers
invisible plu
invisible money
invisible method
invisible filterToggle
visible receipt
visible printreceipt
visible noreceipt
visible paymentFields
clearDevice LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt translate "total" row 0 column 0 @LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt translate "change" row 0 column 10 @LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentTotal() row 1 column 0 @LineDisplay
lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentChange() row 1 column 10 @LineDisplay
transition OPEN_DRAWER guard mustOpenDrawer {
openDrawer CashDrawer
trigger onSignatureCancel
actions transition PAYMENT {
idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
invisible signaturePadDisplay
visible money
visible method
visible functions
operation givenChanged()
==== changes in functionlibrary ====
# New '''guard function''' "'''useSignaturePad'''" in functionlibrary DSL :
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
guard useSignaturePad(IStateMachine stateMachine) {
var slip =  stateMachine.get("cashslip") as CashSlipDto
stateMachine.set("signaturePadDisplayResolution" , 5)
stateMachine.set("signaturePadDisplay", slip.register.store.company.signingImage)
var paymentMethodDto = stateMachine.getStorage(stateMachine.getLastTrigger(), "dto") as CashPaymentMethodDto
var isopen = "true".equals(stateMachine.getStorage("signaturepad", "open") as String)
return paymentMethodDto.signaturePad && isopen
# New '''operation''' "'''initImages'''" in functionlibrary DSL:
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
operation initImages(IStateMachine stateMachine, Object [] params) {
var cashregister = stateMachine.get("cashregister") as CashRegisterDto
if(cashregister === null) {return false}
stateMachine.set("CustomerDisplayImage", cashregister.store.company.companyImage)
stateMachine.set("signatureSlideDelay", cashregister.store.company.slideDelay)
stateMachine.set("signatureCaptureImage", cashregister.store.company.signingImage)
for(slide:cashregister.store.company.slides) {
stateMachine.set("signatureAddSlide", slide.image)
return true
# New method in '''operation''' "'''dopayment()'''" for save the signature image:
#:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
var spIsOpen = "true".equals(stateMachine.getStorage("signaturepad", "open") as String)
if(spIsOpen && paymentMethodDto.signaturePad) {
var signatureBlob = stateMachine.get("SignatureBlob") as String
paymentPosition.signatureBitmap = signatureBlob
stateMachine.set("signaturePadDisplay", signatureBlob)
var data = stateMachine.get("PenData") as List<PenData>
'''Bold text''' if(data !== null) {
for(pData:data) {
var penDataDto = new CashPaymentPenDataDto
penDataDto.rdy = pData.rdy
penDataDto.sw = pData.sw
penDataDto.pressure = pData.pressure
penDataDto.x = pData.x
penDataDto.y = pData.y
===Maintenance with OS.bee App===
►In '''menu--> Master data-->Company''', the detail of '''entity''' "'''Company'''" can be set:
You could see 4 block on this page, and the two upper block is important for us to maintenance the master data of company.
* The upper left block show the main elements of company.
** The first tab is "'''Company'''", you can choose the company name and set slide signing image and slide delay for this company here.
*: [[File:tab_Company.png|600px|center]]
*: If you do not see the magnifier search icon after company name field, please click it to change.
*: ►With the magnifier search icon, you will get the whole suggestion company name  in the insert field after you insert only the first letter of the company name.
*: [[File:tab_Company_search.png|600px|center]]
** The third tab "'''Slides'''" shows all advertising slides, and if you click one of them, the detail of this advertising slide (entity AdvertisingSlides) will be shown on the third tab “Slides” of the upper right block.
*: [[File:tab_Slides_dialog_Slides.png|600px|center]]
*: You can see all the advertising slides for the company in this tab "'''Slides'''".
*: [[File:tab_Slides.png|600px|center]]
*: You can maintenance detail of the selected advertising slide in the dialog "'''Slides'''".
*: [[File:dialog_Slides.png|600px|center]]
►In '''menu--> Master data-->Cash register data''', you can maintenance the details about payment method:
You could see 5 parts on this page.
* You can select one of the store in the ''upper left table'', e.g.: store 1. Then the detail of this store will be shown in the first tab “'''Mstore'''” of the ''upper middle block''. You could edit it here in this dialog.
*: [[File:tab_Mstore.png|600px|center]]
** Select the 4th tab “'''Registers'''” of the ''upper middle block'', the detail of all registers for the selected store will be shown in this table.
*: [[File:tab_Registers.png|600px|center]]
*: Select one of the registers and the detail of this register will be shown in the first tab “'''Cash register dialog'''” of the ''upper right block''. You can create new register and edit it in this dialog.
*:►Pay attention: your IP should be register before you use the signature pad .
*: [[File:tab_cash_register_dialog.png|600px|center]]
*:  You can see all the cash payment methods for the store in the ''bottom left block''.
*: [[File:table_Cash_payment_method.png|600px|center]]
*:  You can maintenance detail of the selected cash payment method in the ''bottom right block''.
*: [[File:dialog_Cash_payment_method.png|600px|center]]
:* '''signingImage''': save the signing image as a blobmapping data. signingImage is the image which will be displayed on signature pad when customer signes.
== Copyright Notice ==
:* '''slideDelay''': define the time delay for changing advertising slide image, unit is ms, and this value should be between 1000 and 10000, which means the delay should be between 1 second and 10 seconds.
{{Copyright Notice}}
:* '''Slides''': define a set of advertisingSlides for this company. These advertising slide images will be displayed one after another on the signature pad when no actions on it.

Latest revision as of 12:30, 26 September 2018

Signature Pad

Using signature pad for payment process is a new cash payment method.

Basic Functionalities

Basic functionalities of display on signature pad are:

  • Show the advertising slide images on signature pad one after another according to de slide delay predefined in Company( in our example, for company FoodMart, the slide delay is defined as 2000, which means 2 seconds).
  • When the customer signature is required, the display image on the signature pad will switch to the signing image, additional 3 buttons will be shown under the signing image: done, cancle and delete.(these labels could be translated with I18n)

Functionalities after signing

The following image is the signing image in our example.

Signing image.jpeg

  • Customer signs, and then select “done”, the signature of customer will be saved as a blob-mapping data, saving as thousands of points with x,y, pressure... the display of signature pad switch to the advertising slide images.
  • Customer signs, and then select “cancle”, the signature process will be broken, switch to the advertising slide images.
  • Customer signs, and then select “clear”, the signature will be deleted, and waiting for the next action of customer.

Technical changes in DSL model

changes in entity

  1. New entity AdvertisingSlide :
    entity AdvertisingSlide extends BaseUUID {
    	persistenceUnit "businessdata"
    	domainKey String slide
    	var Date showFrom properties( key="Date" value="Minute")
    	var Date showUntil properties(key="Date" value="Minute")
    	var BlobMapping image
    	ref Company company opposite slides
    • slide: name of this slide.
    • ShowFrom and showUntil: valid date interval for this slide.
    • Image: save this slide as a blobmapping data.
    • Company: which company using this slide.
  2. New properties and references in entity Company:
    entity Company extends BaseUUID { 
    	. . .
    	var BlobMapping signingImage
    	var int slideDelay properties(key="Slider" value="1000:10000")
    	ref AdvertisingSlide[*] slides opposite company properties( key = "Table" value = "" )
    	. . .
    • signingImage: save the signing image as a blobmapping data. signingImage is the image which will be displayed on signature pad when customer signes.
    • slideDelay: define the time delay for changing advertising slide image, unit is ms, and this value should be between 1000 and 10000, which means the delay should be between 1 second and 10 seconds.
    • Slides: define a set of advertisingSlides for this company. These advertising slide images will be displayed one after another on the signature pad when no actions on it.
  3. A new Cash Payment Method "signaturePad": If the customer selects this payment way, the signature pad will be active.
  4. New entity CashPaymentPenData :
    entity CashPaymentPenData extends BaseUUID {
    	persistenceUnit "businessdata"
    	var int rdy
    	var int sw
    	var int pressure
    	var int x
    	var int y
    	ref CashPayment payment opposite penData
    • The signature image will be saved as a CashPaymentPenData. All this relevant data value is generated from WACOM(mark of signature pad) software. The important values are pressure amount and cursor coordinates x and y. They will be saved save as a blob-mapping data, which including thousands of points with all the important values.
  5. Some new properties and references are defined in entity CashPayment:
    entity CashPayment extends BaseUUID {
    . . .
    	var BlobMapping signatureBitmap
    	ref cascade CashPaymentPenData[*] penData opposite payment 

changes in statemachine

  1. New payment method "payment signing"
    It is defined as a new statemachine event "onMethod7".
    A new peripheral is defined in statemachine for it:
    peripheral PeripheralControl {
    	. . .
    	signaturePad SignaturePad
    A new button is defined for it in paypad of statemachine:
    keypad PaymentPad event trigger {
    	. . .
    	button method7 image "" event onMethod7 
  2. New keypad "PluPad"
    keypad PluPad event identity from 1 until 6  named "plu"
  3. Changes in statemachine state "IDLE":
    trigger onStartUp
    actions transition LOCKED{
    	. . .
    	closeSignaturePad @SignaturePad
    	. . .
  4. Changes in statemachine state "LOCKED":
    trigger onOk
    actions transition ATTENTIVE{
    	. . .
    	operation loadPLU()
    	operation loadPaymentMethods() 
    	store "false" with paymentterminal.open
    	paymentOpen host dto cashregister.payment_ip port dto cashregister.payment_port @VeriFone
    	labelSignaturePad okLabel "done" clearLabel "clear" cancelLabel "cancel" @SignaturePad
    	store "false" with signaturepad.open
    	openSignaturePad @SignaturePad
    	. . .
  5. Changes in statemachine state "ATTENTIVE", new trigger "onSignaturePadOpen" for signaturePad:
    trigger onSignaturePadOpen
    actions {
    	store "true" with signaturepad.open
    	operation initImages()
    	idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
  6. Changes in statemachine state "PAYMENT":
    trigger onBack
    actions transition ATTENTIVE {
    	idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
    	. . .
    #:<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
    trigger onMethod1 onMethod2 onMethod3 onMethod4 onMethod5 onMethod6 onMethod7
    actions {
    	. . .
    	transition SIGNATURE_AUTHORIZATION guard useSignaturePad {
    		visible signaturePadDisplay
    		invisible money
    		invisible method
    		invisible functions
    		store event with paymentMethod.last
    		captureSignaturePad @SignaturePad
    	idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
    	. . .
  7. In statemachine new state "SIGNATURE_AUTHORIZATION":
    	triggers {
    		trigger onSignatureOk
     		actions transition PAYMENT {
     			idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
    			operation dopayment(retrieve from paymentMethod.last)
    			operation computePayed()
    			set "0" @paymentGiven
    			clearDevice LineDisplay
    			lineDisplayTextAt translate "total" row 0 column 0 @LineDisplay
    			lineDisplayTextAt translate "remain" row 0 column 10 @LineDisplay
    			lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentTotal() row 1 column 0 @LineDisplay
    			lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentRemain() row 1 column 10 @LineDisplay
    			invisible paymentTerminalDisplay
    			invisible signaturePadDisplay
    			visible money
    			visible method
    			visible functions
    			operation givenChanged()
    			transition PRINT_SLIP guard isPayed {
    				invisible total
    				invisible logout
    				invisible PaymentPad
    				invisible paymentFields
    				invisible functions
    				invisible numbers
    				invisible plu
    				invisible money
    				invisible method
    				invisible filterToggle
    				visible receipt
    				visible printreceipt
    				visible noreceipt
    				visible paymentFields
    				clearDevice LineDisplay
    				lineDisplayTextAt translate "total" row 0 column 0 @LineDisplay
    				lineDisplayTextAt translate "change" row 0 column 10 @LineDisplay
    				lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentTotal() row 1 column 0 @LineDisplay
    				lineDisplayTextAt function getPaymentChange() row 1 column 10 @LineDisplay
    				transition OPEN_DRAWER guard mustOpenDrawer {
    					openDrawer CashDrawer
    		trigger onSignatureCancel
    		actions transition PAYMENT {
    			idleSignaturePad @SignaturePad
    			invisible signaturePadDisplay
    			visible money
    			visible method
    			visible functions
    			operation givenChanged()

changes in functionlibrary

  1. New guard function "useSignaturePad" in functionlibrary DSL :
    guard useSignaturePad(IStateMachine stateMachine) {
    	var slip =  stateMachine.get("cashslip") as CashSlipDto
    		stateMachine.set("signaturePadDisplayResolution" , 5)
    		stateMachine.set("signaturePadDisplay", slip.register.store.company.signingImage)
    	var paymentMethodDto = stateMachine.getStorage(stateMachine.getLastTrigger(), "dto") as CashPaymentMethodDto
    	var isopen = "true".equals(stateMachine.getStorage("signaturepad", "open") as String)
    	return paymentMethodDto.signaturePad && isopen
  2. New operation "initImages" in functionlibrary DSL:
    operation initImages(IStateMachine stateMachine, Object [] params) {
    	var cashregister = stateMachine.get("cashregister") as CashRegisterDto
    	if(cashregister === null) {return false}
    	stateMachine.set("CustomerDisplayImage", cashregister.store.company.companyImage)
    	stateMachine.set("signatureSlideDelay", cashregister.store.company.slideDelay)
    	stateMachine.set("signatureCaptureImage", cashregister.store.company.signingImage)
    	for(slide:cashregister.store.company.slides) {
    		stateMachine.set("signatureAddSlide", slide.image)
    	return true
  3. New method in operation "dopayment()" for save the signature image:
    var spIsOpen = "true".equals(stateMachine.getStorage("signaturepad", "open") as String)
    if(spIsOpen && paymentMethodDto.signaturePad) {
    	var signatureBlob = stateMachine.get("SignatureBlob") as String
    	paymentPosition.signatureBitmap = signatureBlob
    	stateMachine.set("signaturePadDisplay", signatureBlob)
    	var data = stateMachine.get("PenData") as List<PenData>
    '''Bold text'''	if(data !== null) {
    		for(pData:data) {
    			var penDataDto 		= new CashPaymentPenDataDto
    			penDataDto.rdy 		= pData.rdy
    			penDataDto.sw 		= pData.sw
    			penDataDto.pressure	= pData.pressure
    			penDataDto.x 		= pData.x
    			penDataDto.y 		= pData.y

Maintenance with OS.bee App

►In menu--> Master data-->Company, the detail of entity "Company" can be set:

Menu company.png

You could see 4 block on this page, and the two upper block is important for us to maintenance the master data of company.

Page company 4parts.png
  • The upper left block show the main elements of company.
    • The first tab is "Company", you can choose the company name and set slide signing image and slide delay for this company here.
    If you do not see the magnifier search icon after company name field, please click it to change.
    ►With the magnifier search icon, you will get the whole suggestion company name in the insert field after you insert only the first letter of the company name.
    • The third tab "Slides" shows all advertising slides, and if you click one of them, the detail of this advertising slide (entity AdvertisingSlides) will be shown on the third tab “Slides” of the upper right block.
    Tab Slides dialog Slides.png
    You can see all the advertising slides for the company in this tab "Slides".
    Tab Slides.png
    You can maintenance detail of the selected advertising slide in the dialog "Slides".
    Dialog Slides.png

►In menu--> Master data-->Cash register data, you can maintenance the details about payment method:

Menu cash register data.png

You could see 5 parts on this page.

Page cash register data 5parts.png
  • You can select one of the store in the upper left table, e.g.: store 1. Then the detail of this store will be shown in the first tab “Mstore” of the upper middle block. You could edit it here in this dialog.
    Tab Mstore.png
    • Select the 4th tab “Registers” of the upper middle block, the detail of all registers for the selected store will be shown in this table.
    Tab Registers.png
    Select one of the registers and the detail of this register will be shown in the first tab “Cash register dialog” of the upper right block. You can create new register and edit it in this dialog.
    ►Pay attention: your IP should be register before you use the signature pad .
    Tab cash register dialog.png
    You can see all the cash payment methods for the store in the bottom left block.
    Table Cash payment method.png
    You can maintenance detail of the selected cash payment method in the bottom right block.
    Dialog Cash payment method.png

Copyright Notice

All rights are reserved by Compex Systemhaus GmbH. In particular, duplications, translations, microfilming, saving and processing in electronic systems are protected by copyright. Use of this manual is only authorized with the permission of Compex Systemhaus GmbH. Infringements of the law shall be punished in accordance with civil and penal laws. We have taken utmost care in putting together texts and images. Nevertheless, the possibility of errors cannot be completely ruled out. The Figures and information in this manual are only given as approximations unless expressly indicated as binding. Amendments to the manual due to amendments to the standard software remain reserved. Please note that the latest amendments to the manual can be accessed through our helpdesk at any time. The contractually agreed regulations of the licensing and maintenance of the standard software shall apply with regard to liability for any errors in the documentation. Guarantees, particularly guarantees of quality or durability can only be assumed for the manual insofar as its quality or durability are expressly stipulated as guaranteed. If you would like to make a suggestion, the Compex Team would be very pleased to hear from you.

(c) 2016-2025 Compex Systemhaus GmbH