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Line 116: Line 116:
orientation: portrait | landscape
orientation: portrait | landscape
Element: <Title> | <SubTitle> | <SubSubTitle> | <Label> | <Text> | <AutoText> | <Image> | <DatamartTable> | <DatamartTableAttribute> | <Grid>
Element: <Title> | <SubTitle> | <SubSubTitle> | <Label> | <Text> | <AutoText> | <Image> | <DatamartTable> | <DatamartTableAttribute> | <Grid>
Title: title "<text>" [style <style>]
SubTitle: subtitle "<text>" [style <style>]
SubSubTitle: subsubtitle "<text>" [style <style>]
*type is used to define the page size, e.g. a4, a3, ect.
Label: label "<text>" [style <style>]
*orientation is used to define the page orientation, e.g. portrait or landscape.
Text: text "<text>" [style <style>]
*topmargin, leftmargin, bottommargin and rightmargin are used to define the margin size.
AutoText: autotext <autoTextType> [style <style>]
*header and footer are used to define the header and footer details, e.g.: height, if it will be show on first, ect.
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
title "<titleText>" [style <style>]
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
subtitle "<text>" [style <style>]
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
subsubtitle "<text>" [style <style>]
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
label "<text>" [style <style>]
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
text "<text>" [style <style>]
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
autotext <autoTextType> [style <style>]
autoTextType: page-number | total-page | page-number-unfiltered | total-page-unfiltered | page-variable
autoTextType: page-number | total-page | page-number-unfiltered | total-page-unfiltered | page-variable
Grid: grid [as <gridName>] { row +=GridRow* '}';
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
{GridRow} 'row' ('as' name=ID)? ('style' style=[Style])? '{' cells+=GridCell* '}';
grid [as <gridName>] { <GridRow>* };
{GridCell} 'cell' ('as' name=ID)? ('columnspan' columnspan=INT)? '{' elements+=Element* '}';
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
row [as <gridRowName>] [style <style>] { <GridCell>* }
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
cell [as <gridCellName>]  [columnspan <integer>] { <Element>* }
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
'table' /*datamartRef=[datamart::DatamartDefinition] ('as' name=ID)?*/ ('style' style=[Style])? '{'
'table' /*datamartRef=[datamart::DatamartDefinition] ('as' name=ID)?*/ ('style' style=[Style])? '{'
(detailheader?='detailheader' ('style' headerstyle=[Style])?)?
(detailheader?='detailheader' ('style' headerstyle=[Style])?)?
Line 139: Line 170:
'group' name=ID 'by' groupingRef=[datamart::DatamartAttribute] '{'
'group' name=ID 'by' groupingRef=[datamart::DatamartAttribute] '{'
Line 155: Line 186:
{DatamartTableDetail} 'details' ('style' style=[Style])? ('all' | ('{' columnFormatters+=DatamartTableAttribute* '}'));
{DatamartTableDetail} 'details' ('style' style=[Style])? ('all' | ('{' columnFormatters+=DatamartTableAttribute* '}'));
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
/* !!! copy from tabledsl ... */
/* !!! copy from tabledsl ... */
Line 169: Line 203:
*type is used to define the page size, e.g. a4, a3, ect.
*orientation is used to define the page orientation, e.g. portrait or landscape.
*topmargin, leftmargin, bottommargin and rightmargin are used to define the margin size.
*header and footer are used to define the header and footer details, e.g.: height, if it will be show on first, ect.
► '''Example''':
► '''Example''':

Revision as of 14:40, 22 August 2017




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Birt Report

The Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) Project is an open source software project that provides reporting and business intelligence capabilities for rich client and web applications, especially those based on Java and Java EE. BIRT is a top-level software project within the Eclipse Foundation, an independent not-for-profit consortium of software industry vendors and an open source community.

The project's stated goals are to address a wide range of reporting needs within a typical application, ranging from operational or enterprise reporting to multi-dimensional online analytical processing (OLAP). Initially, the project has focused on and delivered capabilities that allow application developers to easily design and integrate reports into applications. The project is supported by an active community of users at BIRT Developer Center and developers at the Eclipse.org BIRT Project page.

BIRT has two main components: a visual report designer within the Eclipse IDE for creating BIRT Reports, and a runtime component for generating reports that can be deployed to any Java environment. The BIRT project also includes a charting engine that is both fully integrated into the report designer and can be used standalone to integrate charts into an application.

BIRT Report designs are persisted as XML and can access a number of different data sources including JDO datastores, JFire Scripting Objects, POJOs, SQL databases, Web Services and XML.



Report DSL

ReportDSL generates the vaddin s ui and birt report.

The main semantic elements of the ReportDSL are:

  • “import” declarations – used to import external models or even Java classes.
  • “package” – the root element that contains all the other elements. A model can contain multiple packages.
  • “layout-data” – the container element that contains all the following layout elements.
    • “externalCssURI” – define the optional external CSS URI for all reports.
    • “pagetemplate” – define the report page template, e.g. page size, orientation, margin, header, footer, etc.
    • “formatters” – define the formatter types for all report.
    • “colors” – define the color types for all report.
    • “fonts” – define the font types for all report.
    • “medias” – define the media types for all report.
    • “styles” – define the style types for all report.
  • “report” – define the data source details for the report, e.g. row/column configurations, legend details and tooltips configurations.


Report DSL instance definition


[import <import models/class name>]
package <package name>  {
   [layout-data {
       [externalCssURI <URI string> [from bundle <bundle string>]]
       [pagetemplate <pagetemplate name> {    	

   formatters {...}
   colors {...}
   [report <report name> {    	


  • externalCssURI is used to define the external CSS for all reports in this package.
  • pagetemplate is used to define the page template format for all reports in this package.
  • User can also define different formatters, colors, fonts, medias and styles template for all reports in this package. All these definitions could be defined in a separated package and import to other report-packages as well.
  • For each report definition, a <reportname>+Report.java file will be generated, in which a java class named <reportname>+Report extended from java class CCBaseReport is defined. In this class, report and report configurations are defined. Additionally a <reportname>.rptdesign file will be also gererated, in which a birt report is defined.
Figure 1 - Example birt report layout

Pagetamplete is used to define the basic format for different page layouts, it is defined as following (Definitions in this brackets <...> are placeholder):


pagetemplate <pagetemplateName> {
    type <pageSize>
    orientation <orientation>
    topmargin <unsignedNumber> <unit>
    leftmargin <unsignedNumber> <unit>
    bottommargin <unsignedNumber> <unit>
    rightmargin <unsignedNumber> <unit>
	[header {
		height <unsignedNumber> <unit>
	[footer {
		height <unsignedNumber> <unit>

pagetemplateName: A defined identification name for the page template.
pageSize: a4 | a3 | a5 | us-letter | us-legal | us-ledger | us-super-b
orientation: portrait | landscape
unsignedNumber: Unsigned number to define the top, left, bottom or right margin and the header or footer height.
unit: mm | cm | pt | inch | pc | em | ex | px | %
orientation: portrait | landscape
Element: <Title> | <SubTitle> | <SubSubTitle> | <Label> | <Text> | <AutoText> | <Image> | <DatamartTable> | <DatamartTableAttribute> | <Grid>


  • type is used to define the page size, e.g. a4, a3, ect.
  • orientation is used to define the page orientation, e.g. portrait or landscape.
  • topmargin, leftmargin, bottommargin and rightmargin are used to define the margin size.
  • header and footer are used to define the header and footer details, e.g.: height, if it will be show on first, ect.


		title "<titleText>" [style <style>]


		subtitle "<text>" [style <style>]


		subsubtitle "<text>" [style <style>]


		label "<text>" [style <style>]


		text "<text>" [style <style>]


		autotext <autoTextType> [style <style>]
autoTextType: page-number | total-page | page-number-unfiltered | total-page-unfiltered | page-variable


		grid [as <gridName>] { <GridRow>* };


		row [as <gridRowName>] [style <style>] { <GridCell>* }


		cell [as <gridCellName>]  [columnspan <integer>] { <Element>* }


	'table' /*datamartRef=[datamart::DatamartDefinition] ('as' name=ID)?*/ ('style' style=[Style])? '{'
	(detailheader?='detailheader' ('style' headerstyle=[Style])?)?
	(detailfooter?='detailfooter' ('style' footerstyle=[Style])?)?

	'group' name=ID 'by' groupingRef=[datamart::DatamartAttribute] '{'
	(detailheader?='detailheader' ('style' headerstyle=[Style])?)?
	(detailfooter?='detailfooter' ('style' footerstyle=[Style])?)?

	{DatamartTableGroupHeader} 'header' ('style' style=[Style])? '{' rows+=GridRow* '}';

	{DatamartTableGroupFooter} 'footer' ('style' style=[Style])? '{' rows+=GridRow* '}';

	{DatamartTableDetail} 'details' ('style' style=[Style])? ('all' | ('{' columnFormatters+=DatamartTableAttribute* '}'));
/* !!! copy from tabledsl ... */
		('style' style=[Style])? & 
		(hasImage?='image' image=TableImage)? &
		('intervals' (hideLabelInterval?='hidelabel')? '{' (intervals+=TableInterval)* '}')? & 
		('lookups' (hideLabelLookup?='hidelabel')? '{' (lookups+=TableLookup)* '}')?


pagetemplate A4_Landscape {
	type a4
	orientation landscape
	topmargin 11.5 mm
	leftmargin 12 mm
	bottommargin 13 mm
	rightmargin 14 mm
	header {
		// showOnFirst
		height 0.6 inch
		label "a A4 landscape page"
	footer {
		height 10 mm
		grid {
			row {
				cell {label "empty"}
			row {
				cell {label "page"}
				cell {autotext page-number}
				cell {label "of"
				cell {autotext total-page}
				cell {label "end of the page"

Formatters is used to define the report format in detail, it is defined as following:


formatters {

	uomo <uomo ID>{
ui <ui name> report <string> textalign TextAlign 
| number <number ID>{ 
ui <ui name> report NumberFormatCategory <string> textalign TextAlign 
| currency <currency ID>{ 
ui <ui name> report CurrencyFormatCategory <string> textalign TextAlign 
| date <date ID>{ 
ui <ui name> report custom <string> textalign TextAlign 
| date+time <date+time ID>{ 
ui <ui name> report custom <string> textalign TextAlign 
| time <time ID>{ 
ui <ui name> report custom <string> textalign TextAlign 

TextAlign: left | center | right
CurrencyFormatCategory: unformatted | currency | custom


  • The defined formatters are usually used in the definition for styles.
  • ui and report defines the layout format in ui and report.
  • textalign defines the text align definition on page.


formatters {
	/** empty UOMO format */
	uomo uomo_test {
		ui "test"
		report "test"
		textalign left
	/** money in EURO, rounding half-up */
	currency money_euro {
		ui "###,##0.00 �"
		report currency "#,##0.00 EUR{RoundingMode=HALF_UP}"
		textalign right
	/** date without time with weekday */
	date+time shortdate {
		//report custom "EE dd. MM.yyyy"
		report custom "dd.MM.yyyy"
		textalign left
	/** integer */
	number integer {
		ui "##0"
		report percent "##0"
		textalign right
	/** percent */
	number ^percent {
		ui "##0.0'%'"
		report percent "##0.0'%'"
		textalign right
styles {
	/** Bootstrap style */
	style bootstrap {
		textcolor schwarz
		backgroundcolor weiss
		font arial_8pt_regular
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
	/** Standardzeile (unterste Ebene) */
	style defaultrow {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_8pt_regular
		backgroundcolor weiss alternate hellblau
		padding-left 2 pt
		padding-right 2 pt
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
	/** if a currency has to be rendered */
	style ^currency {
		extends defaultrow 
		formatter money_euro

Colors is used to define the report colors in detail, it is defined as following:


colors {
	 [color <color name> 
["<color string>"
| darkens <existed Color ID> by-percent <number> 
| lightens <existed Color ID> by-percent <number>
| transforms <existed Color ID> by-percent <number> towards <existed Color ID>


  • The defined colors are usually used in the definition for styles.
  • color is defined with the RGB string.
  • darkens, lightens, and transforms could be used to defined the different color darkness of existed color type.


colors {
	/** the basic text color: BLACK */
	color schwarz "#000000"
	/** grau rgb(128,128,128) */
	color grau_128 "#808080"
	/** grau rgb(136,136,136) */
	color grau_136 "#888888"
	/** grau rgb(220,220,220) */
	color grau_220 "#dcdcdc"
	/** grau rgb(235,235,235) */
	color grau_235 "#ebebeb"
	/** grau rgb(250,250,250) */
	color grau_250 "#fafafa"
	/** weiß */
	color weiss "#ffffff"
	/** hellblau, laut Style-Guide eigentlich rgb(244,252,255), aber am Bildschirm zu schwach! */
	color hellblau "#e4ecff"
	color red "#ff3b30"
	color orange "#ffcc00"
	color darkblue "#007aff"
	color white darkens grau_136 by-percent 50
	color black lightens schwarz by-percent 30 
	color lightblue "#52edc7"
styles {
	/** Bootstrap style */
	style bootstrap {
		textcolor schwarz
		backgroundcolor weiss
		font arial_8pt_regular
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular

Fonts is used to define the report fonts in detail, it is defined as following:


fonts {
 	[font <font name> {
[extends <existed Font ID>]
[family BuildInFontFamily | <string>] 
[size <size number> UnitEnum]
BuildInFontFamily: monospace | sans-serif | serif
FontStyle: normal | italic | oblique
UnitEnum: mm | cm | pt | inch | pc | em | ex | px | %


  • The defined fonts are usually used in the definition for styles.
  • New font could be defined based on existed font type using extends.
  • family is used to define type of font and if it is monospace or sans-serif or serif.
  • If it is normal or italic or oblique or bold could be also defined directly.
  • size is used to define the font size.


fonts {
	font arial_14pt_bold {
		family "Arial"
		size 14 pt
	font arial_12pt_regular {
		family "Arial"
		size 12 pt
	font arial_12pt_bold {
		family "Arial"
		size 12 pt

	font arial_8pt_regular {
		family "Arial"
		size 8 pt
	font arial_7pt_bold {
		family "Arial"
		size 7 pt
styles {
	/** Bootstrap style */
	style bootstrap {
		textcolor schwarz
		backgroundcolor weiss
		font arial_8pt_regular
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular

Medias is used to define the report media in detail, it is defined as following:


medias {
	 [media <media name>]


  • The defined formatters are usually used in the definition for styles.
  • It defines if the same report used in different kind of workplace, how to layout. E.g. in warehouse, it should be print with bigger size of font, ect.


medias {
	/** Formatierungen für tabellarische Reports z.B. zur Nutzung im Büro */
	media middle
	/** Formatierungen für tabellarische Reports z.B. zur Nutzung im Lager */
	media big
	/** Formatierungen für tabellarische Reports z.B. zur Nutzung für Büro und Ablage */
	media small
	/** Formatierungen für Reports wie Rechnungen, Lieferscheine etc. */
	media ^report
styles {
	/** Bootstrap style */
	style bootstrap {
		textcolor schwarz
		backgroundcolor weiss
		font arial_8pt_regular
		media big {font arial_12pt_regular}
	/** header */
	style headerarea {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_regular
		media big {font arial_12pt_regular}
		media small {font arial_8pt_regular}

Formatters is used to define the report format in detail, it is defined as following:


styles {
 [style <style name> {
[extends <existed Style ID>]
[ [formatter <existed Formatter ID>]
  [font <existed Font ID>]
  [backgroundcolor <existed Color ID> [alternate <existed Color ID>] ]
		  [textcolor <existed Color ID>]
		  [textalign TextAlign]
		  [border-top CCBorderStyle]
		  [border-bottom CCBorderStyle]
		  [border-left CCBorderStyle]
		  [border-right CCBorderStyle]
		  [padding-top <paddingTop number> UnitEnum]
		  [padding-bottom <paddingBottom number> UnitEnum]
		  [padding-left <paddingLeft number> UnitEnum]
		  [padding-right <paddingRight number> UnitEnum]
		  [margin-top <marginTop number> UnitEnum]
		  [margin-bottom <marginBottom number> UnitEnum]
		  [margin-left <marginLeft number> UnitEnum]
		  [margin-right <marginRight number> UnitEnum]
		[media <existed Media ID>{
    [ [formatter <existed Formatter ID>]
			[font <existed Font ID>]
[backgroundcolor <existed Color ID> [alternate <existed Color ID>] ]
			[textcolor <existed Color ID>]
			[textalign TextAlign]
			[border-top CCBorderStyle]
			[border-bottom CCBorderStyle]
			[border-left CCBorderStyle]
			[border-right CCBorderStyle]
			[padding-top <paddingTop number> UnitEnum]
			[padding-bottom <paddingBottom number> UnitEnum]
			[padding-left <paddingLeft number> UnitEnum]
			[padding-right <paddingRight number> UnitEnum]
			[margin-top <marginTop number> UnitEnum]
			[margin-bottom <marginBottom number> UnitEnum]
			[margin-left <marginLeft number> UnitEnum]
			[margin-right <marginRight number> UnitEnum]

BorderType <width number> UnitEnum <existed Color ID>

TextAlign: left | center | right
UnitEnum: mm | cm | pt | inch | pc | em | ex | px | %
BorderType: none | solid | dotted | dashed | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset


  • New style could be defined based on existed style type using extends.
  • formatter, font, backgroundcolor, textcolor could be defined using existed definitions.
  • Textalign, border details, padding details and margin details could be also defined in detail.
  • Formatter, font, color, textalign, border details, padding details and margin details are redefinedable for existed media.


styles {
	/** Bootstrap style */
	style bootstrap {
		textcolor schwarz
		backgroundcolor weiss
		font arial_8pt_regular
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
	/** Headline */
	style headline {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_14pt_bold
	/** header */
	style headerarea {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_regular
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
		media small {
			font arial_8pt_regular
	/** Tabellenkopf */
	style tabellenkopf {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_bold
		backgroundcolor grau_220
		border-top solid 1 pt schwarz
		border-bottom solid 1 pt schwarz
		border-left solid 1 pt grau_128
		border-right solid 1 pt grau_128
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_bold

	/** 1. Gruppierungsebene Kopfzeile */
	style grouping_1_head {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_bold
		backgroundcolor grau_235
		border-top solid 1 pt schwarz
		border-bottom solid 1 pt grau_136
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_bold
		media small {
			font arial_8pt_bold

	/** 2. und weitere Gruppierungsebenen Kopfzeile */
	style grouping_2_head {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_bold
		backgroundcolor grau_250
		border-top solid 1 pt grau_136
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_bold
		media small {
			font arial_8pt_bold
	/** Standardzeile (unterste Ebene) */
	style defaultrow {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_8pt_regular
		backgroundcolor weiss alternate hellblau
		padding-left 2 pt
		padding-right 2 pt
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
	/** if a currency has to be rendered */
	style ^currency {
		extends defaultrow 
		formatter money_euro
	/** if a date with weekday has to be rendered */
	style ^date {
		extends defaultrow
		formatter shortdate
	/** a pure integer value */
	style integer {
		extends defaultrow
		formatter integer

	/** 2. und weitere Gruppierungsebenen Fußzeile */
	style grouping_2_foot {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_regular
		backgroundcolor grau_250
		border-top solid 1 pt grau_136
		border-bottom solid 1 pt grau_136
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
		media small {
			font arial_8pt_regular

	/** 1. Gruppierungsebene Fußzeile */
	style grouping_1_foot {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_regular
		backgroundcolor grau_235
		border-top solid 1 pt schwarz
		border-bottom solid 1 pt schwarz
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
		media small {
			font arial_8pt_regular
	/** Tabellenende */
	style tabellenende {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_10pt_regular
		backgroundcolor weiss
		border-top solid 1 pt schwarz
		border-bottom solid 1 pt schwarz
		media big {
			font arial_12pt_regular
		media small {
			font arial_8pt_regular
	/** Fußzeile */
	style fusszeile {
		extends bootstrap
		font arial_7pt_bold

The syntax is as following defined (Definitions in this brackets <...> are placeholder):


	report <reportName> [described by "<descriptionValue>"] [toolbar <actionToolbar>] {
	    dataMart <datamartDefinition> rendering <renderingOption>
	    [externalCssURI "<externalCssURI>" [from bundle "<externalCssURIBundle>"]]
	    pagetemplate <pageTemplate>	media <media>

reportName: A defined identification name for the report.
descriptionValue: A description text used in the automated documentation via MDD (model driven documentation).
actionToolbar: A selected toolbar from the available previous defined action toolbars in an ActionDSL model.
datamartDefinition: A selected datamart from the available previous defined datamart definitions in an DatamartDSL model.
renderingOption: html | pdf
externalCssURI: The definition of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of an external CSS for this specific report.
externalCssURIBundle: The bundle where to search the external CSS.
pageTemplate: A selected page template from the available previous defined templates in the layout-data as described above.


  • For <page size> are the following options available: 'a4', 'a3', 'a5', 'us-letter', 'us-legal', "us-ledger" or "us-super-b".
  • For <orientation> are the following options available: 'portrait' or 'landscape'.
  • For <unsigned number> use an usable unsigned number.
  • For <unit> are the following options available: 'mm', 'cm', 'pt', 'inch', 'pc', 'em', 'ex', 'px', '%'.
  • title, subtitle, subsubtitle, label text, autotext, image, datamarttable, datamarttableproperty and grid could be defined detailed using/ not using existed style template in this element.
  • All details of report are defined in xx.rptdesign file according to birt report syntax and semantics.


title "Employee Salary" style headerarea
datamarttable EmployeeSalary as salaryGrouped style bootstrap {
	detailheader style grouping_1_head
	group byEducationLevel by education_level {
		header style grouping_1_head {
			row {
				cell columnspan 7 {property education_level}
		footer style grouping_1_foot { row {} }
	group byPositionTitle by position_title {
		header style grouping_2_head {
			row {
				cell {}
			      cell {property position_title}
		detailheader style grouping_2_head 
		footer style grouping_2_foot {
			row {
		       	cell columnspan 4 {label "sum"}
		            cell {aggregate count style integer}
		            cell {}
			row {
		      	cell columnspan 5 {label "average"}
		            cell {aggregate average of min_scale style ^currency}
		            cell {aggregate average of salary style ^currency}
		            cell {aggregate average of max_scale style ^currency}
		      row style defaultrow { cell {} }
	details style defaultrow {
		property full_name
		property gender lookups hidelabel {
			string "M" icon "gender_male"
			string "F" icon "gender_female"
		property marital_status lookups hidelabel {
			string "M" icon "marital_married"
			string "S" icon "marital_single"
		property min_scale style ^currency
		property salary style ^currency intervals {
			up to 2000 textcolor red
			up to 2500 cellcolor orange
			up to 2500 textcolor darkblue
			up to 3000 cellcolor white
			up to 100000 cellcolor black
			up to 100000 textcolor lightblue
		property max_scale style ^currency
		property hire_date style ^date


Formatters is used to define the report format in detail, it is defined as following:


report <report name> [described by <discription>] {
[datamart <datamart name>]
	rendering RenderingEnum
	[externalCssURI <Css URI string> [from bundle <bundle string>] ]
	pagetemplate <existed PageTemplate ID>
media <existed Media ID>
	file <file name>
| template {
		[described by <discription>]
 		[header {
			height <height number> UnitEnum
   		detail { CCElement }
    		[footer {
			height <height number> UnitEnum

UnitEnum: mm | cm | pt | inch | pc | em | ex | px | %
RenderingEnum: html | pdf


  • Generate a <reportname>+Report.java file, in which a java class named <reportname>+Report extended from java class CCBaseReport is defined. In this class, report and report configurations are defined.
  • Generate a <reportname>.rptdesign file, in which a birt report is defined.
  • rendering is used to define the output format of report, e.g.: HTML or PDF.
  • If the existed report should be used, it could be defined with keyword file with path+filename string.
  • template is used to define the header, footer and all other specifically detail for the report.


report EmployeeSalaryViaFile {
	/** datamart Employee Salary */
	datamart EmployeeSalary
	/** rendering als HTML, auch PDF möglich */
	rendering html
	pagetemplate A4_Landscape
	media small
	/** das rptDesign verwenden */
	file "rptdesign/CCReportFile.rptdesign"

report PlainText {
	datamart EmployeeSalary
	rendering html
	/** an optional external Css URI */
	externalCssURI "css/html/ccng-birt2.css" from bundle "FoodMartReportDSLPlugin2"
	pagetemplate A4_Portrait
	media big 		
	template {
		detail {
			title "it's not me"
			label "with the logo via url..."
			image size-to-image url "http://www.compex-commerce.com/export/system/modules/de.compex.internet/resources/img/logo/logo_compex-commerce.gif"
			label "now the logo via file..."
			image size-to-image file "platform:/plugin/de.compex.utils/img/ccngdesign/compexlogo.png"
			label "and what about the logo embedded?"
			image size-to-image embed "platform:/plugin/de.compex.utils/img/ccngdesign/compexlogo.png"
			subtitle "sub title #1"
			label "it's me again, but hopefully running, and modified too :/"
			subtitle "sub title #2"
			label "this label has more to say or what?.."
			text "a text will be used to display some data!"
		footer {
			height 20 mm
			label "there is no page number here, sorry!"

Copyright Notice

All rights are reserved by Compex Systemhaus GmbH. In particular, duplications, translations, microfilming, saving and processing in electronic systems are protected by copyright. Use of this manual is only authorized with the permission of Compex Systemhaus GmbH. Infringements of the law shall be punished in accordance with civil and penal laws. We have taken utmost care in putting together texts and images. Nevertheless, the possibility of errors cannot be completely ruled out. The Figures and information in this manual are only given as approximations unless expressly indicated as binding. Amendments to the manual due to amendments to the standard software remain reserved. Please note that the latest amendments to the manual can be accessed through our helpdesk at any time. The contractually agreed regulations of the licensing and maintenance of the standard software shall apply with regard to liability for any errors in the documentation. Guarantees, particularly guarantees of quality or durability can only be assumed for the manual insofar as its quality or durability are expressly stipulated as guaranteed. If you would like to make a suggestion, the Compex Team would be very pleased to hear from you.

(c) 2016-2024 Compex Systemhaus GmbH