OS.bee Tutorial

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OS.bee Tutorial

This tutorial will introduce the architecture, technology and functionality of OS.bee using basic OS.bee application My1App.

My1App is a personal administration application consisting of a collection of models based on OS.bee Domain Specific Languages. It is generated by Eclipse wizards; the wizards build the Eclipse workspace, provide the basic structure and a number of consistent objects of models.

You can step by step expand the rudimentary person administration (which has only basic configuration) with the user stories described in the storyboard, and then generate an employee administration based on your new person administration. We use the "2BEE concept":

  1. describe the requirements from the point of a fictive user with using storyboard which mentioned above
  2. technically implement the requirements of user

Please notice that, the task solutions described in the tutorial can often be solved either by DSL code or graphic modeling. We will present both solutions if possible. You can use any one of them as you will.

Story board


The task for the user of this tutorial is first the administration of personal data and then the main task is the administration of employee data.

Story map

Tutorial story map 1.png
Tutorial story map 2.png


My1App is a personal administration application consisting of a collection of models based on OS.bee Domain Specific Languages. It is generated by Eclipse wizards; the wizards build the Eclipse workspace, provide the basic structure and a number of consistent objects of models. So before executing the tutorial steps in this tutorial using My1App, the appropriate wizards must be installed. You can find more information about installation in doc of My1App.

Use cases

The personal administration should be extended by the following use cases:

  • Change address
  • search person with full-name
  • establish current age of person
  • add profile picture
  • add gender
  • add marital status

User stories

Administration of personal data

Change the address
search person with full-name
Establish current age
Add profile photo
Add gender
Add marital status

Administration of employee data

create new entity of employee
hire employee
fire employee
increase employee salary
assign employee
transfer employee
evaluate employee