Menu DSL

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Menu model is used for the UI menu definition. Categories, trees, entries and the corresponding ui pages of the them could be defined in this model. Predefined process from BLIP DSL, perspective from Perspective DSL, table from Table DSL and dialog from Dialog DSL can be linked to the category, tree or entry.

Here is the menu bar in UI:

MenuDSL 01.png

When you click the entry “Company” under main entry “Menu”, the perspective “Company” will be shown on the web site:

MenuDSL 02.png

By clicking the other main entry “Persons”, the embedded table will be shown directly in menu:

MenuDSL 03.png


The MenuDSL works for Os.bee models, it defines the Menus for dialog.

The main semantic elements of the MenuDSL are:

  • “package” - the root element that contains all the other elements. A model can contain multiple packages.
  • “entry” - define the menu entry and subentry.


package definition


package <package name>[{ 
	expandedImage <expandedImage String> collapsedImage <collapsedImage String>
	[height <height String>]
	[width <width String>]

	. . .

For each menu package, 2 .java file named <project name> and <project name> will be generated in folder ./src-gen/<package name>/.


package net.osbee.sample.foodmart.menues {  

	expandedImage "collapse_arrow_16" collapsedImage "expand_arrow_16" 
	width "600px" designer
	category Menu . . . { . . . }
	. . . 
  • One or more menu categories can be defined in the same package.
  • Keyword expandedImage and collapsedImage is used to define the menu image when the menu expanded or collapsed. Following code will be generated in <project name> file:
public void setIcon(final Accordion accordion, final boolean open) {
    Tab tab = accordion.getTab(selectedMap.get(accordion));
    if (tab != null) {
    	if(open) {
<expandedImage String>, ThemeResourceType.ICON));
    	} else {
<collapsedImage String>, ThemeResourceType.ICON));
  • Keyword height and width are optional; you can use this keyword to define the height and width of this menu, default value is 400px. Following code will be generated in <project name> file:
accRoot.setHeight(<height String>);
accRoot.setWidth(<width String>);
  • Keyword designer is optional; you can use this keyword to define if this menu could be modified. Following code will be generated in <project name> file:
if (designModeHandler != null && userAccessService.isSuperuser()) {
	MenuBar menubar = new MenuBar();
	MenuItem designer = menubar.addItem(designerText, null, null);
	MenuItem mode = designer.addItem(designmodeText, null, new MenuBar.Command() {
		public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {
	menuItems.put(designerUndoHandler, designer.addItem(undoText, null, new MenuBar.Command() {
		public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {
	menuItems.put(designerRedoHandler, designer.addItem(redoText, null, new MenuBar.Command() {
		public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {
	menuItems.put(newPerspectiveHandler, designer.addItem(newText, null, new MenuBar.Command() {
		public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {
	menuItems.put(changePerspectiveHandler, designer.addItem(changeText, null, new MenuBar.Command() {
		public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {
	menuItems.put(exportPerspectiveHandler, designer.addItem(exportText, null, new MenuBar.Command() {
		public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {
	menuItems.put(downloadPerspectiveHandler, designer.addItem(downloadText, null, new MenuBar.Command() {
		public void menuSelected(MenuItem selectedItem) {


This is the main part of this model. All the menu entry details can be defined here. This part could be reused as subentry under the main entry.


entry <entry name> 
	[described by <description String>][image <ImageString>][showBadge]
		process [blip::Blip] | 
		perspective [perspective::Perspective] |
		table [table::Table] | 
		dialog [dialog::Dialog] |
		userFilter |
. . .

  • Keyword described by is optional, it define the description of this entry.
  • Keyword image is optional, it define the image string of this entry.
  • Keyword showBadge is optional, it define if the update badge will be shown for this entry.
  • Keyword process is used to define the predefined process from blipDSL which this entry links to.
  • Keyword perspective is used to define the predefined perspective from Perspective DSL which this entry links to.
  • Keyword table is used to define the predefined table from Table DSL which this entry links to.
  • Keyword dialog is used to define the predefined dialog from Dialog DSL which this entry links to.
  • Keyword userFilter are used to define if the user filter will be shown. Following code will be generated in <project name> file:
if (userAccessService.isSuperuser()) {
    VerticalLayout tab+<entry name> = new VerticalLayout();
    userFilter.createView(tab+<entry name>);
    acc<parent name>.addTab(tab+<entry name>, <entry name>, themeResourceService.getThemeResource(<collapsedImage String >, ThemeResourceType.ICON));
    tabs.put(acc<parent name>.getTab(tab+<entry name>), new Pair(<entry name>,<entry description>));
  • Keyword keyBinding is used to define if the key binding works for this entry.


entry Sales {
		entry CashRegister image "cashregister" perspective CashRegister
entry ProductMaintenance process ProductMaintenance
	entry MyTasks table TaskMenu
	entry Profile dialog UserAccount
	entry UserFilter userFilter

In the examples, entry Sales has a subentry named CashRegister with image icon and links to a predefined perspective named CashReegister from Perspective DSL; entry ProductMaintenance links to a predefined process named ProductMaintenance from blipDSL; entry MyTasks links to a predefined table named TaskMenu from Table DSL; entry Profile links to a predefined dialog named UserAccount from Dialog DSL; entry UserFilter is defined to shown the user filter.

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