OS.bee Software Factory Documentation

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The OS.bee Software Factory is composed of various domain specific languages (DSL) which will be described in detail on the following pages.

Entity DSL
The Entity DSL is, beside Datatypes, the basic DSL for the Software Factory. It allows you, through the creation of entity model files, to describe the entity relationship models that will be used to create, read, update and delete content on a persistence level, such as with an SQL database.
The DTO DSL handles data transfer objects in order to transfer data between processes. It uses the Entity DSL.
Chart DSL
The Chart DSL provides Vaadin dCharts.
Cube DSL
The Cube DSL provides MDX access to Mondrian OLAP Cubes.
Datamart DSL
A data mart is a condensed and more focused version of a data warehouse that reflects the regulations and process specifications of each business unit within an organization. Each data mart is dedicated to a specific business function or region.